Sharmila Chaudhury a bengali lady who has a amazing talent of cooking various cuisines whether it is vegetarian or non-vegetarian, she knows the magic of getting that perfect taste.
She got the talent of cooking from her mother-in-law and after getting mastery in almost all varieties of dishes she started preparing food for her families, relatives and guests. She was encouraged by receiving appreciation from her family and relatives, this is how she got an idea why not to deliver the same taste to those who don’t want to eat in quality-less & tasteless restaurants.
As a mom of two beautiful daughters who are living abroad, she realized the pains and concerns other moms have to undergo – they are always worried for their kids living in Udaipur – for education, job or for some other reason. After understanding the concerns of such moms, she converted her passion for cooking into a profession. Her quest for high quality home food has ensured that there is no compromise when it comes to quality – this is the reason why she is enjoying a good name in the profession of home cooked food industry.
Best and First ever Home Made LIVE food prepare service in Udaipur.
Sharmila’s Kitchen is the one and only service provider in Udaipur who invites each one to witness their order being prepared LIVE and if interested sit at our place and enjoy the meal with their family, to keep the privacy and maintaining the personal space we entertain one family of not more than 12 members at a time.
A tourist who wants to discover the flavors that are hidden in every nook and corner of the city? Is there a way to satisfy those curious, tickling taste buds that want to eat the best local food but within the flavors of a home?
Sharmila’s Kitchen is the right place to visit!
Sharmila’s Kitchen showcases their expertise providing a window to our customs, traditions and cuisine that would not be available anywhere. Sharmila’s Kitchen endeavors to transcend all boundaries, providing the best local homemade food, hailing from different parts of the culture of Rajasthan, prepared with love and passion by local home cook.
The diners can easily book their seats online and join in the adventure of a unique culinary social experience. It is all about bringing people together over an awesome culinary experience.